Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tis the Season

Kyle William and Brad (Matthew had gone to bed)
Kyle Decorating

William helping decorate

Brad and Kyle decorating

Matt decorating

It's that time of year, that time of the year where we set up the Christmas Tree. The time of the year we are so excited for. The time of the year, I realize once again, that my Christmas Tree will not be beautiful, but it will be touched by four little sets of hands. It's the time of year where the bottom half of my tree is bare, not because it wasn't decorated, but because all the ornaments are one by one taken off and left on the floor by Matt and I pick them up and put them higher. I love this time of year!!! I love having little helpers, some not so little anymore, to decorate and undecorate the tree.

When we turned the lights on this year on the three Matt proceeded to blow on the lights, he thought they were candles. It was so funny!

1 comment:

CinnaPatty said...

Hee hee. Funny Matthew! I have always let the boys decorate the tree. I love it.