Monday, August 9, 2010

End of Summer Fun

Summer Vacation is officially coming to an end for us. School starts back up on Wednesday the 11th. I had to throw in a couple last videos and pictures of our last few days of freedom before kids are back off to school

Today the it was 97 with a heat index of 115. The boys came up with an idea to put the kiddy pool on the trampoline, put some water in it and do flips and jump in it. Whatever keeps you cool I guess.


CinnaPatty said...

Wow! You're amazing. I would have been like "No way no how you're doing that, you'll all break your necks!" Maybe I should lighten up a bit.
It HAS been very hot.
How did you get your videos to load? I've been trying for days. Maybe I'll try again.
We start school the 18th. Too early!

Grandpa Dave said...

A new generation of "Flying Spaghetti Brothers" is born. Joe knows what I mean. I was impressed that Matt didn't even lose his binky while doing the somersault. Now that's talent!

I know the world is ending when PJ talks about lightening up! Like that'll ever happen. 8^)

Laurel/Lora Lee Porter said...

Looks like a way to cool off and entertain also. I wouldn't have allowed my kids to do that either -- just like Patty. I've dealt with enough mishaps without asking for trouble. You're brave!!

Rayburn Family said...

Ha ha, I'd almost forgotten about the "Flying Spaghetti Brothers". The things that boys think of. I always liked putting the sprinkler under the trampoline at my friends house. Good times in the summer!

Amanda said...

I can't believe the summer is gone and school is has gone way too fast. You guys have had a great summer!