Sunday, September 7, 2008

Matthew is 2 months old

It has already been two months since Matt has joined us. Wow how time flies. So how has Matt changed? Matt weighs a whopping 12 pounds 8 ounces at two months and is 23 1/2 inches long. Making him in between the 75th and 80th percentile. He doesn't like his swing, but he loves his bouncer, which is why a lot of his pictures are taken in the bouncer. He has learned to smile and to roll over from his tummy to his back. His neck and back have always been incredibly strong, and when he is mad he arches his back and you can't get him to cuddle in with you at all. He doesn't like sleeping in his crib, so he has to be really asleep to sleep in there for long periods of time. His brothers really love him a lot, and Matt has learned to tolerate Williams constant kisses and snuggles. He has slept through the night a couple of times, and we are hoping that those become more frequent. The first month and a half all he wanted to do was be held all the time, even when he was sleeping. Luckily he has started growing out of that and will sit in his bouncer playing for longer periods of time. He like to have cooing conversations with you and is undoubtedly telling people our family secrets. A few squeals of delight have become to come out as he is smiling and cooing with you. We are sure glad to have Matt with us!


jamiegilson said...

What a cuteypie.

jo said...

what a cutie! i love that picture that you took through the link toy!

Bailey said...

I can not believe how darling he is!

Jenn said...

holy cow - look at his hair!!! i love it! he is SO adorable!