Monday, April 5, 2010

4 boys + 6 cups of dye = 3 dozen dyed eggs.



Dying Easter Eggs is such a love hate relationship for me. I love watching how much fun my kids have dying the Easter Eggs, but I have so much anxiety about the dye being spilled. I guess the joy in my children's faces have outweighed my worry of dye because we do it every year.

Brad Method: He is the oldest and as such he is more sophisticated in how he does things. He was the last one to finish dying his eggs. He is into doing 2 or 3 colors on each egg.

Kyle's Method: Kyle is our kindergartner and preferred also have 2 or 3 colors on each egg but only by putting the whole egg in multiple different cups.

William's Method: Monopolize the white crayon, scribble excessively on each egg. Then proceed to place eggs in dye. Take out color some more and put back in dye, usually a different color cup.

Matthew's Method: As our newest member of dying eggs, Mom was on hand to provide constant supervision without thwarting his artistic desires. Basically he drops them in has fast as he can into the cups and with in seconds wants them back out. Drops them back into same cups, and takes them back out. Final steps include taking the egg out, giving it a good squeeze to get the pleasure of a break. Mom takes the egg away, Matt proceeds method with the next egg.

Mom and Dad's Method: After a few years of experience we have learned lots of newspaper, only one parent takes pictures while the other helps little hands. Setting the rule if you want a different color and one of your brothers have it you must ask Mom or Dad to get it for you. If you are under the age of 5 the spill factor goes up greatly, thus you are stripped of your clothing.


CinnaPatty said...

I LOVE this. You are one experienced Mother! Survival of the wisest!
My boys won't eat the eggs so we just don't dye eggs *gasp*! It's true. We don't. Oh well. You guys have enough fun for all of us!

kg said...

Wow, you've got it down to a science! I sometimes wonder how the days I loved as a child can cause so much angst as an adult??

Danielle said...

Your kids look so much alike. I don't know if I've ever seen a family with so much consistency.