Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Kyle's Lightsaber

Brad's Lego Car

This year was Kyle's first year & Brad's last year for the pinewood derby. Kyle wanted to go with a Star Wars theme and Brad went with a Lego theme. The boys had a lot of fun making their cars. Brad had finished in the bottom half the last two years. He was a good sport, but I could tell it bothered him. Our friend Adam Worden gave us some tips on how to make our cars faster and it sure helped. Kyle finished 3rd out of the Wolves and his car won the award "Cubmasters Favorite". Brad finished 1st out of the Webelos and 3rd overall out of 38 kids. It was great to see the smiles on their faces. Now I only have 8 (possibly 11) more cars to make, which William has his planned out already. He wants to make a firetruck with a ladder that goes up.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Good job boys! Joe, we'll have to get those tips from you when Blake is a little older!:)