Saturday, August 11, 2012

Emily Anne Porter



Emily was born at 8:10am on Aug. 9th. She weighed 9lbs 3ozs (most of it in her cheeks), she was 19 1/2 inches long and she has dark brown hair.

The boys came and saw Emily. William was the most excited. He wanted to the be the first one to hold her and then after everyone was done he wanted to hold her again. He loves her very much and has been a great big brother. Matt came in saw her and then went straight for my lunch. Brad & Kyle like to hold her too.

The boys can't wait until we leave the hospital, which will be tomorrow, so that we are all under the same roof again. We can't either. It will be nice to finally get Emily home.

Both Janette & Emily are doing very well.


Amanda said...

Congrats! Too bad we don't live in Lincoln still our girls could play!

wrightNOW said...

What a darling, beautiful family. Welcome little sister! Congrats to all.

Laurel/Lora Lee Porter said...

Congratulations, Joe and Janette. Don't see how Janette was able to hold up with all the travelling with the problems she was having with her pregnancy. Glad it is over. Joe has always been a great help with the family. We're proud of you.